Musik8 (Verb) Pronounced /'mjuËzɪk:eɪt'/ (Portmanteau of Musik (German for the English Word Music) and 'cate' from 'educate' shortened to '8' ) Definition : The acquisition of knowledge or skills of music through intellectual instructions (teaching and learning of music), typically on this website to produce beautiful and harmonious expression of emotion(s)...: is a music education, streaming, downloading and promotion website built to help fans of music quickly find, play or download and learn the lyrics of their favorite songs, when they want it and to help artists promote their song(s) to a wide range of audiences from diverse backgrounds.
Conceptualized and built while sipping coffee and playfully tickling PHP in the after hours of the early weeks of 2022, Musik8 aims to bridge the gap between artists from various countries all over the world (especially African artists) with audiences on a global scale.