Shatta Wale-Joy FM's Personality cover art

Shatta Wale ● Joy FM's Personality

Want to learn how to sing this song? You can find the Lyrics below to Shatta Wale's "Joy FM's Personality " right here on Musik8 -Go To Play-

My guest in the studio is Shatta Wale
You follow sounds like a very tarent figure in your life (hmm)
Like, we've been talking for couple of, like twenty minutes
And all I hear is my dad, my dad, my dad
He is always a serious person (hmm)
A...⇣ More

My guest in the studio is Shatta Wale
You follow sounds like a very tarent figure in your life (hmm)
Like, we've been talking for couple of, like twenty minutes
And all I hear is my dad, my dad, my dad
He is always a serious person (hmm)
A certain decisions he has taken has really built him

I was like nine years when our landlord sacked us from our house and we were staying somewhere crazy
You know, we were at a friend's saloon
Growing up, I never like being to them public bathrooms (hmm), you know them public places
So you were living in your own private space (yeah, yeah), now you have to share
But one day, I woke up and he told me, he got a house
That day I cried, I really saw my dad from another side of life (yeah)
So when we came down like that, you know
I was always feeling someway for him, how his friends will see him

How people gonna talk about him
You know, he really change my view
You know, change my mind off, like what I was seeing around
So that is why you know, I always like to call his name anywhere
'Cos I feel he is my motivation, he is my role model
I believe he is my Buju Banton as well
He is your Buju Banton? Hahahaha...

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Artist : Shatta Wale
SongTitle : Joy FM's Personality
Album : Wonder Boy
Release Year : 2019
Bitrate : 256 Kbps
Country: Ghana
Genre : Dancehall
Producer: DaMaker

Added On : 2022-02-28
Length : 1:04

Posted by Bossman


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