Want to learn how to sing this song? You can find the Lyrics below to Kwabena Kwabena 's "Fingers" right here on Musik8 -Go To Play-
OOdo ee se meni koda aa
Na yegyi yenni
Na wodi wonsa ninam na mepe oo
Medo ee
Mano one finger
Two fingers
Three fingers
Dinada dinada daa daa
Mano one finger
Two fingers
Three fingers
Dinada dinada daa daa
Girl...⇣ More
OOdo ee se meni koda aa
Na yegyi yenni
Na wodi wonsa ninam na mepe oo
Medo ee
Mano one finger
Two fingers
Three fingers
Dinada dinada daa daa
Mano one finger
Two fingers
Three fingers
Dinada dinada daa daa
Girl I like the way
You whine it pan mi corky
You’re so pretty naughty
Odo yewu ee
Your body is calling me
And it’s crazy
You’re such a hottie
Eh eehh
Mepe mere ye no ooo
Give it to me baby
Didee didee didee didee
I could do baby
Round after round tonight
Feeling so high on lines
I could touch the sky
Odo se mene wo koda aa
Na yegye yenni aa
Nawo di wonsa ninam miho a
Na me pe oo medo eehhh
Mano One Finger
Two Fingers
Three Fingers
Dinada dinada daa daa
Mano One Finger
Two Fingers
Three Fingers
Dinada dinada daa daa
Sor gwe ehi
Sor gwe ehi
Sor gwe ehi
Ayee Mmaa pe hiaa eh
Womo pe niaa adie wo
Daa daa mbosour
Nea owo abro na owo nkokor wae
Ose manya madi dede
Your money no dey reach
But you want to eat
Eee mmaaa
Odo ee se meni koda aa
Na yegyi yenni
Na wodi wonsa ninam na mepe oo
Medo ee
Mano one finger
Two fingers
Three fingers
Dinada dinada daa daa
Mano one finger
Two fingers
Three fingers
Dinada dinada daa daa
⇡ Less
Days Ago
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