Idahams ● Shima (Remix)
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It's boy Idahams
Idahams on the mix
Baby no mind me if I do like say I no send you
But if I see you with another man,
E go pain me wellu well
Even if I no dey do like say I go die for you,
If I see you with another man,
E go pain...⇣ More
It's boy Idahams
Idahams on the mix
Baby no mind me if I do like say I no send you
But if I see you with another man,
E go pain me wellu well
Even if I no dey do like say I go die for you,
If I see you with another man,
E go pain me wellu well
Forget say I been dey do like say I be army man
You see the things of love them no dey do power Mike.
I been dey do like say eee I be army man
You see the things of love them no dey do power Mike
Cause if I show you say I dey for your matter
You go know say girl na you be my Shima
If I show you say I dey for your matter
You go know say girl na you be my Shima
Shima in my feelings ooo
Shima in my feelings ooo
Ere in my feelings ooo
You know I lovee you so girl
Shima in my feelings o
Shima in my feelings o
Ere in my feelings o
You know that I love you so girl
Abegi no cheat on me
You know me I no strong ooo
I no fit to take am ooo
Baby abegi no fall my hand
Abegi no cheat on me
You know me I no strong ooo
I no fit to take am ooo
Baby abegi no fall my hand
Forget say I been dey do like say
I be hard man
you see the things of heart they no dey do power might
I been dey do like say I be hard man
You see the things of heart they no do power might
Cos if I show you say I dey for your matter
You go know say girl na you be my Shima
If I show you say I dey for your matter
You go know say girl na you be my Shima
Cos if I show you say I dey for your matter
You go know say girl na you be my Shima
If I show you say I dey for your matter
You go know say girl na you be my Shima
Shima in my feelings o
Shima in my feelings o
Ere in my feelings o
You know that I love you so girl
Shima in my feelings o
Shima in my feelings o
Ere in my feelings o
You know that I love you so girl
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Days Ago
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